

In order to meet the growing challenges of medical science, stringent regulatory requirement of both local and international market and post TRIPS agreement GPL has established its second state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Shafipur, Kaliakair, Gazipur. This plant has been designed by APC, leading consultant of the world keeping focus on the contemporary and upcoming changing therapeutic needs of mankind. This plant reflects our relentless efforts towards continuous improvement and achieving finest quality for our countrymen as well as inhabitants of the world as a whole.

This manufacturing facility has been designed with an aim to comply with the international norms of cGMP and with particular emphasis on meeting standards of the UK MHRA, TGA, WHO, ICH, ISO, PIC/S and other strict regulatory body.

GPL is continuously and strongly promoting to enhance production abilities by realizing quality improvement and low cost manufacturing.


Production facilities have built up the integrated system of Research and Development, Quality, Production and Engineering mainly to fulfill the need of population of Bangladesh and all over the world. By introducing sterile products in addition to others, GPL endeavors to meet the diverse needs of patient and health professionals. GPL has well-reputed experiences in expanding and developing of new products and facilities.

FORMULATION UNIT GPL has two production entities in Bangladesh.

SHAFIPUR UNIT (UNIT-2) Shafipur unit is about 50 km away from the north of Dhaka city. All most maximum facilities are taken into consideration in this unit. It has started its operation since 2011.

COMPOSITE BUILDING Seven storied building designed to perform operations in four levels.

Level-1: Tablet, Capsule and Oral Liquid

Level-2: The manufacturing and packaging area is 38000 sft which is the largest injectable facility in Bangladesh. The production floor consists of three separate sections-Non steroid Sterile (NSS), Steroid Sterile (SS) and Large Volume Parenterals (LVP). The outside wall is brick wall as well as the internal walls coated by poly urethane (PU) paint. The false ceiling is walk able fire proof sand witch panel.

The floor is constructed with 3 mm epoxy mortar covered with self leveling epoxy (SLE) paint which is dust proof, wet proof, abrasion resistant, and chemicals resistant. Three different color epoxy paint has been used to segregate different classified zone.

Each production area has separate entry and exit for man and materials. Different colored gown is used in different classified zone. Total production area is covered with a wide visitor corridor. To store sensitive materials, every production area has dedicated room.

Entire production area is covered by fire and smoke detector and adequate firefighting equipment and expert fire fighting team. Every section of production floor has two emergency exits and the visitor corridor has four different stairs to move employee quickly in case of any emergency.

Level-3: Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) and Lyophilizer

Level-4: Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Microbiology and Research and Development (R&D)

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